Grace Medical Services Private Limited

How to lower SGPT in 1 week?

How to lower SGPT in 1 week?

Also Read:  What Are Serology Tests to Check the Immune System?

The liver is considered the powerhouse of our body. It carries out several important functions that are essential for health, including digestion, metabolism, detoxification, storage, and protein synthesis.

The SGPT test is important as it confirms if your liver is healthy. Increased SGPT levels are not a good sign and could be because of some liver diseases, which shall be treated immediately. 

Keep reading this article to understand the SGPT test and how to control your SGPT levels for a healthy liver. 

What is the SGPT test?

Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) is an enzyme in the liver that helps convert food into energy. The increase in these enzymes indicates an injured or irritated liver, and the enzymes leak out of the liver cells. 

The SGPT test measures how healthy your liver is. The test indicates the amount of Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (GPT) in the bloodstream. It is also known as Alanine transferase (ALT). 

What is the normal range of SGPT?

The SGPT normal range in the human body is SGPT/ALT: 4 to 36 U/L. The SGPT levels above the normal range are signs of liver diseases or conditions. 

What are the causes of high SGPT levels?

causes of high SGPT levels

The following conditions or diseases can increase SGPT levels: 

  • Drinking an excess of alcohol 
  • Diabetes 
  • Obesity 
  • Celiac diseases 
  • Liver cancer or tumor
  • Hepatitis C

Common symptoms of high SGPT levels 

Some of the common symptoms of high SGPT levels include: 

  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Swelling in legs 
  • Jaundice 
  • Fatigue 
  • Shortness of breath 

How to control SGPT levels?

control SGPT levels

Poor diet or too much alcohol consumption are two major factors that may increase the risk of developing liver diseases. These habits can be more life-threatening if a person has any pre-existing liver condition (like fatty liver). 

The following tips can help you control your SGPT levels: 

1. Exercise regularly

Doing regular exercise helps burn triglycerides for energy and reduces liver fat. It also can prevent obesity – a major risk factor for liver diseases. 

2. Increase Vitamin D consumption

Liver conditions may lower the number of enzymes in the body, which leads to an imbalance in Vitamin D levels. You can maintain Vitamin D levels by consuming Vitamin D-rich foods such as fatty fish, mushrooms, egg yolk, milk and orange juice. 

3. Eat a balanced diet 

A healthy diet is key to a healthy liver. 

  1. Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower are excellent sources of glutathione, and they help enzymes to flush out toxic compounds from the body. 
  2.  Fruit and berries such as apples, papaya, grapefruit, citrus and avocados are good for the gut.
  3. Coffee lowers the risk of liver cancer, while green tea is an antioxidant-rich beverage. 
  4. Spices are utilized in every food. Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin, helping repair the liver cells and flush out toxins from the body. 
  5. Grain items such as brown rice, barley, and millet are good for the liver as they are high in fiber and have lower sugar storage.
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SGPT is a vital enzyme for diagnosing liver injuries and diseases. Elevated SGPT levels could be a sign of damaged liver cells. Therefore, a combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet can help you lower your SGPT levels leading to a healthy liver. 

You can connect with our experts at Grace Laboratory to learn more about SGPT levels. Furthermore, you can also get your SGPT levels tested at the laboratory

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