Grace Medical Services Private Limited

Urine test or blood test for pregnancy

Urine Test or Blood Test for Pregnancy

If you recently had unprotected intercourse and have missed your periods by more than a few days, the only thing you would want is an accurate pregnancy test that can confirm your pregnancy. 

When it comes to confirming pregnancy, urine tests and blood tests for pregnancy are both highly accurate. But which of these pregnancy tests is more accurate and reliable?  

Urine or blood test for pregnancy 

A blood test for pregnancy is more accurate as it can confirm pregnancy as early as nine days after conception. On the other hand, urine pregnancy tests take ten days minimum or longer and may produce false results if taken too early.

Blood pregnancy tests can detect very small amounts of HCG in the blood, making them more reliable and sensitive than urine tests. Unlike a blood pregnancy test, though it is rare, one may end up with false positive and negative test results in the case of a urine pregnancy test. 

However, urine pregnancy tests are also nearly 99% accurate when performed correctly. 

False-negative results 

pregnancy test results

A false negative test result shows negative results indicating you are not pregnant; however, in reality, you are pregnant, but the test could not detect your pregnancy. It can happen when there is insufficient HCG in the blood to detect a pregnancy at too early stages. 

However, after nine to 14 days, it will not show false negative results as enough HCG will be in the blood to confirm your pregnancy. 

In such cases, your doctor may repeat the test after 48 to 72 hours. So, it is always better to consult the doctor whenever in doubt. 

The gestational trophoblastic disease is another condition, other than early testing, that can lead to a false negative result. If you have this condition, you will know it from your doctor. 

False positive results 

As opposed to false negative results, the false positive shows positive results indicating that you are pregnant, but in reality, you are not. It happens in rare cases. It could occur because your medicines may have HCG or other medical issues. 

Difference between blood and urine pregnancy test

Blood tests measure the amount of the hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the blood to confirm pregnancy. The amount of HCG increases exponentially after conception, doubling every couple of days during the early stages of pregnancy. 

Blood And Urine Pregnancy Test

Blood test for pregnancy is usually taken at the doctor’s office, and you may have to wait for the results to come back from the lab. This makes it a little expensive compared to urine pregnancy tests. 

On the other hand, urine-based pregnancy tests measure HCG in the urine. This test is convenient and less expensive than a blood pregnancy test. It is also known as a home pregnancy test, and the kit for this test is usually available that you can use at home. 


In conclusion, both urine and blood tests for pregnancy provide accurate results. However, detecting even small amounts of HCG in the body within 7 to 10 days after conception makes the blood pregnancy test slightly more accurate and sensitive than the urine test for pregnancy.  

If you still have any doubts regarding pregnancy tests, it is recommended to consult your doctor and take their advice. 


1. Can a blood pregnancy test be wrong?

A blood pregnancy test is very accurate, but false negatives can occur if the blood test is taken too early when the HCG hormone is insufficient to detect pregnancy. 

2. Which is the best test for pregnancy blood or urine?

A blood test for pregnancy could be a better alternative for someone with fertility treatments or other medical issues. 

3. Why do they test blood for pregnancy?

Quantitative blood tests can measure the exact amount of HCG in your blood. They can tell if you are pregnant about six to eight days after you ovulate. 

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